
Grand Rapids Weather Forecast for 2015

How prepared are you and your family for this winter? After last year, it’s understandable that many in the Grand…

10 years ago

Tips to Reduce Heating Costs While Still Staying Warm

As soon as winter starts coming around, homeowners start looking for ways to heat their homes for less. It’s not…

10 years ago

Night Chills: What to Do When Your Furnace Stops Cold

There are times when a furnace slowly deteriorates, when it just doesn’t heat as well as it used to. And…

10 years ago

Furnace Repair vs Replacement

Is This the Year Your Furnace Heads South for the Winter? When you have to decide to fix or nix…

10 years ago

Time For Furnace Tune-Ups in Grand Rapids

While September days can still feel like summer, the nights are beginning to cool, and many Grand Rapids residents will…

11 years ago